
Since 2007: 43 peer-reviewed publications, 1,300+ Citations, and h-index of 20, according to my Google Scholar profile.

Work marked with †, while peer-reviewed, is for workshops, symposia, or less-selective venues.


Elijah Mayfield. Defensible Explanations for Algorithmic Decisions about Writing in Education. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Yohan Jo, Elijah Mayfield, Chris Reed, and Eduard Hovy. Machine-Aided Annotation for Fine-Grained Proposition Types in Argumentation. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). 

Christopher Grimsley*, Elijah Mayfield*, and Julia R.S. Bursten. Why Attention is Not Explanation: Surgical Intervention and Causal Reasoning about Neural Models. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC).
(* Equal Contributions)


Elijah Mayfield. Individual Fairness in Automated Essay Scoring. Workshop on Contestability in Algorithmic Systems at the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW).

Elijah Mayfield and Alan W Black. Analyzing Wikipedia Deletion Debates with a Group Decision-Making Forecast Model. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3.CSCW.

Elijah Mayfield, Michael Madaio, Shrimai Prabhumoye, David Gerritsen, Brittany McLaughlin, Ezekiel Dixon-Román, and Alan W Black. Equity Beyond Bias in Language Technologies for Education. Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications at the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Shrimai Prabhumoye, Elijah Mayfield, and Alan W Black. Principled Frameworks for Evaluating Ethics in NLP Systems. Workshop on Widening NLP at the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Elijah Mayfield and Alan W Black. Stance Classification, Outcome Prediction, and Impact Assessment: NLP Tasks for Studying Group Decision-Making. Workshop on Natural Language Processing + Computational Social Science at the North American Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL).

Diyi Yang, Robert Kraut, Tenbroeck Smith, Elijah Mayfield, and Dan Jurafsky. Seekers, Providers, Welcomers, and Storytellers: Modeling Social Roles in Online Health Communities. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Best Paper Honourable Mention.


Elijah Mayfield and Alan W Black. 2018. Constraining Decision-Making Over Time with Categories and Policies. ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) Workshop on “Participation” in Data-driven Algorithmic Ecosystems.†

Elijah Mayfield and Stephanie Butler. Districtwide Implementations Outperform Isolated Use of Automated Feedback in High School Writing. Industry/Commercial Track at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS).

Patti West-Smith, Stephanie Butler, and Elijah Mayfield. Trustworthy Automated Essay Scoring without Explicit Construct Validity. AAAI Spring Symposium on AI and Society.†

Elijah Mayfield, David Adamson, Shayne Miel, Bronwyn Woods, Stephanie Butler, and Jill Crivelli. Beyond Automated Essay Scoring: Forecasting and Improving Outcomes in Middle and High School Writing. ACM Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK).


Elijah Mayfield. “The Hidden Work of Implementing Technology in Education.” 2017. NSF Workshop on Trustworthy Algorithmic Decision-Making.†

Bronwyn Woods, David Adamson, Shayne Miel, and Elijah Mayfield. Formative Essay Feedback Using Predictive Scoring Models. ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD).


Shayne Miel, Holly Garner, David Adamson, and Elijah Mayfield. Generating Rubric Scores from Pairwise Comparisons. National Council on Measurement in Education Conference (NCME).


Mark Shermis, Susan Lottridge, and Elijah Mayfield. The Impact of Anonymization for Automated Essay Scoring. Journal of Educational Measurement (JEM). 52(4), 419-436.

Shimei Pan, Elijah Mayfield, Jie Lu, and Jennifer Lai. Signals of Expertise in Public and Enterprise Social Q&A. AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM).


Elijah Mayfield and Stephanie Butler. Talking With Teachers: Reflective Design of Automated Formative Writing Assessment With LightSide. Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).†


Elijah Mayfield, Michael Barton Laws, Ira Wilson, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Automating Annotation of Information-Giving for Analysis of Clinical Conversation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA). 21(1), 122-128.

Elijah Mayfield, David Adamson, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Recognizing Rare Phenomena in Conversation: Empowerment Detection in Support Group Chatrooms. Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Gregory Dyke, Sean Goggins, Elijah Mayfield, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Comparison of Network Heuristics for Understanding Small Groups in Synchronous Collaborative Learning. ACM Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK).

Elijah Mayfield and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. “LightSIDE: Open Source Machine Learning for Text.” In Handbook of Automated Essay Evaluation, pp. 124-135. Routledge.

Iris Howley, Elijah Mayfield, Carolyn Penstein Rosé, and Jan-Willem Strijbos. “A Multivocal Process Analysis of Social Positioning in Small Groups.” In Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions, 205-223. Springer.

Iris Howley, Rohit Kumar, Elijah Mayfield, Gregory Dyke, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. “Gaining Insights from Sociolinguistic Style Analysis for Redesign of Conversational Agent Based Support for Collaborative Learning.” In Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions, 477-494. Springer.

Iris Howley, Elijah Mayfield, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. “Linguistic Analysis Methods for Studying Small Groups.” In International Handbook of Collaborative Learning, 184-202. Routledge.


Ross Nehm, Minsu Ha, and Elijah Mayfield. Transforming Biology Assessment with Machine Learning: Automated Scoring of Written Evolutionary Explanations. Journal of Science Education and Technology (JOSTE). 21(1), pp. 183-196. Science “Editor’s Choice” Article.

Elijah Mayfield, Miaomiao Wen, Mitch Golant, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Discovering Habits of Effective Online Support Group Chatrooms. ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work.

Elijah Mayfield, David Adamson, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Hierarchical Conversation Structure Prediction in Multi-Party Chat. SIGDIAL Meeting on Dialogue and Discourse.

Jin Mu, Karsten Stegmann, Elijah Mayfield, Carolyn Penstein Rosé, and Frank Fischer. The ACODEA Framework: Developing Segmentation and Classification Schemes for Fully Automatic Analysis of Online Discussions. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (IJCSCL). 7(2), 285-305.

William Yang Wang, Elijah Mayfield, Suresh Naidu, and Jeremiah Dittmar. Historical Analysis of Legal Opinions with a Sparse Mixed-Effects Latent Variable Model. Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Iris Howley, David Adamson, Gregory Dyke, Elijah Mayfield, Jack Beuth, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Group Composition and Intelligent Dialogue Tutors for Impacting Students’ Academic Self-Efficacy. Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS).

Amy Ogan, Samantha Finkelstein, Elijah Mayfield, Claudia D’Adamo, Noboru Matsudo, and Justine Cassell. Oh, Dear Stacy! Social Interaction, Elaboration, and Learning with Teachable Agents. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).

Elijah Mayfield, David Adamson, Alexander Rudnicky, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Computational Representations of Discourse Practices Across Populations in Task-Based Dialogue. ACM Conference on Intercultural Communication (ICIC).


Elijah Mayfield, Michael Garbus, David Adamson, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Data-Driven Interaction Patterns: Authority and Information Sharing in Dialogue. AAAI Fall Symposium on Building Representations of Common Ground with Intelligent Agents.†

Elijah Mayfield and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Recognizing Authority in Dialogue with an Integer Linear Programming Constrained Model. Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Iris Howley, Elijah Mayfield, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Missing Something? Authority in Collaborative Learning. Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)

Jin Mu, Karsten Stegmann, Elijah Mayfield, Carolyn Penstein Rosé, and Frank Fischer. ACODEA: A Framework for the Development of Classification Schemes for Automatic Classification of Online Discussions. Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL).


Dong Nguyen, Elijah Mayfield, and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. An Analysis of Perspectives in Interactive Settings. Workshop on Social Media Analysis at the ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD).†

Elijah Mayfield and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. An Interactive Tool for Supporting Error Analysis for Text Mining. 2010. Demo Session at the Conference of the North American Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL).†

Elijah Mayfield and Carolyn Penstein Rosé. Using Feature Construction to Avoid Large Feature Spaces in Text Classification. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO).

Shilpa Arora, Elijah Mayfield, Carolyn Penstein Rosé, and Eric Nyberg. Sentiment Classification Using Automatically Extracted Subgraph Features. Emotion in Text Workshop at the Conference of the North American Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL).†


Elijah Mayfield. Sentence Diagram Generation Using Dependency Parsing. Student Research Workshop at the Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).†


Elijah Mayfield, John Kyle Roth, Daniel Selifonov, Nathan Dahlberg, and Elena Machkasova. Optimizing Java Programs Using Generic Types. Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA).